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User Guide

Table of contents

  1. Installation
    1. Before Install
    2. Install
  2. Credentials
  3. Notification block under Teflo SDF
    1. Example
  4. Examples
    1. Example 1
    2. Example 2
    3. Example 3
    4. Example 4
    5. Example 5


Before Install

In order to use this plugin, user has to setup webhooks for the applications which teflo will send notifications to. Please take a look at links below on how you can set up the webhooks for the chat applications slack and gchat


This plugin is supported only with Python 3


To install the plugin you can use pip.

$ pip install teflo_webhooks_notification_plugin=<tagged_version>


$ pip install<tagged_version>


In teflo.cfg, users will need to provide the webhook url under the credential section as below:


User can provide an username and password if the webhook requires authentication. Webhook plugin supports basic authorization


User can also provide custom message headers for their message, if the webhook supports them. These headers have to be provided in a comma separated format with the keys and values as key=val


Notification block under Teflo SDF

Within teflo scenario descriptor file (SDF) you can provide the notification block for webhooks as below:

  - name: <name>
    notifier: slack-notifier/gchat-notifier
    credential: webhook
    on_tasks: ['provision']
    on_start: true / or any other teflo notification triggers
    message_body: <message>
    message_template: <path to template>

Key Description Type Required
name name for the notification block
path - relative path to the pinfile in the Teflo workspace.
targets - list of targets in pinfile
String True
notifier Plugin name String True(Valid values are slack-notifier, gchat-notifier, webhook-notifier)
credential webhook String True
message_body Any message to be sent</span> key String False
message_template A user defined template for notification.It is path of the template within the teflo workspace</span> key String False


When user defined template is provided, user needs to make sure it matches the format required by the applictaion being used. To know how to create message formats please see these slack and gchat


When user defined template is provided, Teflo makes its scenario object available for users to be able to use teflo’s scenario information in their templates. The key is ‘scenario’ User can take a look at Teflo’s notification resource and scenario resource to get an idea of how to access some of the attributes from Teflo’s internal resource objects to create message templates


  - name: msg_template
    notifier: slack-notifier
    credential: webhook
    on_start: true
    message_template: user_template.txt

In the above example, the user_template.txt could use teflo’s scenario object as below:

To get scenario name and passed/failed tasks

    "blocks": [
            "type": "header",
            "text": {
                "type": "plain_text",
                "text": "Teflo Notification On_start trigger : Scenario Name : {{ }}"
            "type": "divider"
            "type": "section",
            "fields": [
                    "type": "mrkdwn",
                    "text": "*Task Started* : {{ passed_tasks }} "




To get the execute task information and the testrun results for each execute task

    "blocks": [
            "type": "header",
            "text": {
                "type": "plain_text",
                "text": "Teflo Notification : Scenario Name : {{ }}"
            "type": "divider"

            "type": "section",
            "fields": [
                {% if scenario.executes %}
                    {% for execute in scenario.executes %}
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": "*Execute task :* {{ }} "
                        {% if execute.testrun_results %}
                                "type": "mrkdwn",
                                "text": """\n> *Testrun Results* \n>
                                           *Total Tests:* {{ execute.testrun_results.aggregate_testrun_results.total_tests }} \n>
                                           *Passed Tests:* {{ execute.testrun_results.aggregate_testrun_results.passed_tests }} \n>
                                           *Failed Tests:* {{ execute.testrun_results.aggregate_testrun_results.failed_tests }} \n>
                                           *Skipped Tests:* {{ execute.testrun_results.aggregate_testrun_results.skipped_tests }}"""

                        {% if not loop.last  %}
                        {% endif %}
                        {% else %}
                                    "type": "mrkdwn",
                                    "text": "No test run results generated for this execute task"
                        {% endif %}

                    {% endfor %}

                {% else %}
                    "type": "mrkdwn",
                    "text": "*Execute task:* No execute tasks were run"
                {% endif %}


The plugin currently supports webhooks for gchat and slack applications, but has a way for the user to supply a webhook url for their required application to receive notifications, under webhook_url key in teflo.cfg This will work better if the user then supplies the message_body or message_template which suits the webhook of that application.

If the user template is not provided then teflo uses its generic json template for chat application which may or may not suit the application being used.

Here notifier to be used is webhook_notifier


Below is the example of the generic template Teflo sends when webhook_notifier is used. Here the notification sent comprises of the scenario name, the passed/failed tasks and the overall status. Teflo uses teflo’s scenario object to get this information

            "header": "Teflo Notification ",
            "scenario": " {{ }} ",
            "overall status": {% if scenario.overall_status == 0 %}"Passed"{% else %}"Failed"{% endif %},
            "Tasks": {% if not passed_tasks and not failed_tasks %} "No tasks were executed."{% else %} 
                     {% if passed_tasks %}"Passed: {{ passed_tasks }}"{% endif %}{% if failed_tasks %}"Failed: {{ failed_tasks }}"
                     {% endif %}{% endif %}



Example 1

To use slack-notifier to send notification after provisioning task is completed with user defined custom message instead of provision task you can use other tasks (validate/execute/orchestrate/report)

  - name: msg_template
    notifier: gchat-notifier
    credential: webhook
    on_task: ['provision']
    message_body: "Provsision task completed" 

Example 2

To use gchat-notifier to send notification with trigger on_start using user defined template.

  - name: msg_template
    notifier: gchat-notifier
    credential: webhook
    on_start: true
    message_template: user_template.txt

Example 3

To use slack-notifier to send notification without specifiying any message_body or message_template. Here Teflo then sends out a default templated message, when a failure occurs.

  - name: msg1
    notifier: gchat-notifier
    credential: webhook
    on_failure: true


In all the examples above you can use gchat-notifier instead of slack-notifier to send the notifications to gchat and vice versa. The thing that will change is you will need adjust the format for the message that gchat/slack accepts and will have to provide gchat_url/slack_url in the credentials:webhook section of teflo.cfg.

Example 4

To use generic webhook-notifier to send notification to chat application other than slack or gchat.

  - name: msg1
    notifier: webhook-notifier
    credential: webhook
    on_failure: true
    message_template: differnt_chat_app_template.jinja

Example 5

To use generic webhook-notifier to send notification to chat application other than slack or gchat without providing the user template. Here teflo will send out its own json template.

  - name: msg1
    notifier: webhook-notifier
    credential: webhook
    on_failure: true